• First author publications: 5
  • Publications in the pipeline: 3
  • Citations: 45
  • H-index: 4
  • Reviews performed: 19
  • Conferences (oral presentation): 17
  • Publication Reads: 254
  • Top Article: Remote Sensing of Environment


9. Proctor C, Phuong Dao, He Y. 2019. Development and testing of a high-performance close-range heavy-duty hyperspectral imaging system. (Submitted to IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, GRSL-00245-2019: February 28, 2019, 5-year impact factor 2.866).


8. Proctor C, He Y. 2018. Modelling Root Exudate Accumulation Gradients to Estimate Net Exudation Rates by Peatland Soil Depth. (Submitted to New Phytologist, NPH-MS-2019-29394: February 24th, 2019, 5-year Impact Factor 7.00)


7. Proctor C, He Y. 2018. Quantifying Peatland Plant Vertical Root Distribution for Estimating the Interface with the Anoxic Zone. Plant and Soil. 441: (1-2): 381-398 (5-year Impact Factor 3.770)


6. Lu Bing, Proctor C, He Y. 2018. Estimating Vegetation Properties using Radiation Transfer Modelling and High-Spatial Resolution Hyperspectral Imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment. (Submitted Remote Sensing of Environment, RSE-D-18-01408: September 13, 2018, 5-year Impact Factor 7.737)


5. Proctor C, He Y. 2017. Quantifying Root Extracts and Exudates of Sedge and Shrub in Relation to Root Morphology. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 114: 168-180 (5-year Impact Factor 5.419)


4. Proctor C, Lu B, He Y. 2017. Determining the Absorption Coefficients of Decay Pigments in Decomposing Monocots. Remote Sensing of Environment. 199: 137-153 (5-year Impact Factor 7.737)


3. Proctor C, He Y. 2013. Estimation of Foliar Pigment Concentration in Floating Macrophytes using Hyperspectral Vegetation Indices. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 34(22): 8011-8027. (5-year Impact Factor 2.003)


2. Proctor C, He Y, Robinson V. 2013. Texture Augmented Detection of Macrophyte Species using Decision Trees. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 80. 10-20. (5-year Impact Factor 6.592)


1. Proctor C, Robinson V, He Y. 2012. Multispectral Detection of European Frog-bit using Quickbird Imagery and Fuzzy Image Classification. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 38(4): 476-486. (5-year Impact Factor 2.393)


2. Proctor C. 2018. Chapter 3: Building a UAV-Hyperspectral System I: UAV Considerations. Book: High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing: Data, Analysis, and Applications. Editors: He Y, Weng Q. Taylor & Francis Series in Imaging Science.

1. Proctor C. 2018. Chapter 4: Building a UAV-Hyperspectral System I: Hyperspectral Sensor Considerations and Data Preprocessing. Book: High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing: Data, Analysis, and Applications. Editors: He Y, Weng Q. Taylor & Francis Series in Imaging Science.


18. Proctor C, He Y. 2018. Close Range Hyperspectral Imaging of Vegetation Decomposition. CAGONT 2018. October 19-20, Toronto, CAN. Provincial. (Oral Presentation)

17. Proctor C. 2017. Do Vertical Gradients in Soil Environmental Conditions Regulate Exudation Rates from Peatland Vegetation? AGU Fall Meeting. December 11-15, New Orleans, USA. International. (Oral Presentation)

16. Proctor C. 2017. Using ArcGIS to Define the Ground Area Samples by a UAV flown Pushbroom Sensor. GIS in Education and Research. October 11, Toronto, CAN. Provincial. (Oral Presentation)

15. Proctor C. 2017. Root Exudates: Does Soil Depth Affect Carbon Deposition Quantity? Mer Bleue Workshop. June 12-14, Montreal, CAN. International. (Oral Presentation)

14. Lu B, Proctor C, He Y. 2017. A Hyperspectral Imaging System for Vegetation studies. Annual Meetings of the Canadian Association of Geographers. May 29-June 2, Toronto, CAN. National (Oral presentation)

13. Lu B, Proctor C, He Y. 2017. Retrieval of Grassland Biophysical and Biochemical Properties using Helicopter-Acquired High Spatial Resolution Hyperspectral Imagery and Radiation Transfer Modeling. Association of American Geographers. April 5-9, Boston, USA. International (Oral presentation)

12. Lu B, Proctor C, He Y. 2016. Investigating Grassland Properties using Helicopter-Acquired High-Spatial Resolution Hyperspectral Imagery. Canadian Association of Geographers. October 28-29, Waterloo, CAN. National (Oral presentation)

11. Proctor C. 2016. Utilization of UAV’s for Eriophorum Detection. Mer Bleue Workshop. Feb 29-March 1, Montreal, CAN. International (Poster)

10.Proctor C, He Y. 2015. Workflow for Building a Hyperspectral UAV: Challenges and Opportunities. UAV-g: International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Geomatics. August 30-September 2, Toronto, CAN. International (Oral presentation)

9. Lu B, Proctor C, He Y. 2015. Evaluating PROSPECT and Soil-Leaf-Canopy model for Estimating Chlorophyll Content in a Heterogeneous Grassland. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. April 21-25, Chicago, USA. International (Oral presentation)

8. Proctor C, Lu B, He Y. 2014. Calibration of PROSPECT for Monocot Litter. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. July 13-18, Quebec City, CAN. International (Oral presentation)

7. Proctor C, Lu B, He Y. 2014. SLC Radiative Transfer Model for Estimating LAI in Wetland Ecosystems. American Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing. March 23-28, Louisville, USA. International (Oral presentation)

6. Proctor C. 2014. Quantification of Exudates from Eriophorum and Ledum Roots. Mer Bleue Workshop. March 2-3, Montreal, CAN. International (Oral presentation)

5. Proctor C. 2013. Modifying the Boreal Ecosystem Productivity Simulator and TerrainLabV2.0 hydrological models to simulate CH4 fluxes from Mer Bleue Bog. Mer Bleue Workshop. March 3-4, Montreal, CAN. International (Oral presentation)

4. Proctor C, Robinson V, He Y. 2012. Floating Macrophyte Foliar Pigments. Canadian Association of Geographers Ontario Division. October 12-13, Toronto, CAN. Provincial (Oral presentation)

3. Proctor C, Robinson V, He Y. 2011. Mapping of European frog-bit using multispectral Imagery. Canadian Association of Geographers. December 6-8, Calgary, CAN. National (Oral presentation)

2. Proctor C, Robinson V, He Y. 2011. Mapping of European frog-bit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) using Quickbird Imagery. 32nd Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing. June 12-13, Sherbroke, CAN. National (Oral presentation)

1. Proctor C, Robinson V, He Y. 2011. Potential Challenges of Early Detection of European frog-bit for conservation purposes. Canadian Aquatic Species Network. April 12-14, Toronto, CAN. National Network (Oral presentation)

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