Interested in joining the Plant Imaging and Carbon Transformation Research Group? We intake volunteers, undergraduate, and graduate students for work on funded research projects or independent study projects related to plant imaging and carbon transformation.
Our lab is very active with a across a range of different research topics. Our grad students often work closely with undergraduate volunteers and work study students as they work through different stages of their projects. Long-term volunteers and honor’s thesis students are often paired with a graduate student for support, and work on a side project that fits in to a larger, broad-scale work.
Strongly interested and experienced in remote sensing, biogeochemistry and/or microbiology? Check back for postings for graduate personnel (MSc and/or PhD) opportunities!
One funded MSc studentship or one funded PhD studentship in the area of arctic ecosystems, climate change, remote sensing/image processing, plant roots and analysis of root-soil-microbial interactions are available under the supervision of Dr. Cameron Proctor at the University of Windsor. These students will support a multi-year monitoring program based on low-cost automatic minirhizotrons, remote sensing, and field campaigns to monitor how root systems of various species respond to a warming environment. Field travel to northern sites during the summer months will be required to deploy monitoring infrastructure (temperature loggers, spectral reflectance sensors, etc.) and collect baseline data on plant photosynthesis. Above and belowground vegetation are equal components controlling arctic plant growth, yet this is a rare opportunity to study them together. By studying the how plant shoots and roots respond a warming Arctic the impacts on local ecosystems and the communities that depend on them for food and traditional medicines will be quantified to aid in community climate adaptation planning and natural resource management.
Start Date: September 2023 (January 2024 start will be considered)
Application Deadline: All applicants should contact Dr. Proctor directly at to discuss program and start options, and possible summer work. For a fall 2023 start, applicants are encouraged to submit a complete application package by May 1st, 2023 to be eligible for the Graduate Entrance Scholarship. The final deadline to have your application and all fees submitted is July 1st, 2023, so interested candidates should contact Dr. Proctor ASAP.
Research Project: Developing a Remote Sensing Targeting Arctic Root Traits (RSTART) to link Artic Ecosystem Regulators and Root Biomass
Cold and wet conditions in the tundra have led to the accumulation of nearly one-half of global soil organic carbon, the majority held in soils perennially frozen since the last glaciation. Yet these regions are experiencing anthropogenic induced warming at higher rates than the global average, inducing changes in vegetation and soil. Permafrost warming particularly affects plant root production and distribution and may shift plant community structure by conferring advantage to species that can access previously thermally protected nitrogen. There are considerable knowledge gaps about how new roots interact with old soil carbon, yet the consequences for carbon cycling maybe significant. At present, however, few frameworks exist for inferring belowground biomass based on remotely sensed aboveground vegetation and surface properties (e.g., temperature, soil moisture), despite the potential of remote sensing to supply the necessary spatial-temporal datasets for modelling purposes.
This project will remediate data deficits in above and belowground linkages by deploying tandem monitoring of root biomass phenology using minirhizotrons, concurrently with aboveground monitoring of aboveground biomass and photosynthetic activity. The project involves considerable collaboration with Northern partners and engagement with the local community.
How to apply
Please send the following to
One funded MSc studentship and one funded PhD studentship in the area of UAV remote sensing, field monitoring of crops and soil, and analysis of root-soil-microbial interactions are available under the supervision of Dr. Cameron Proctor at the University of Windsor. These students will support a multi-year UAV monitoring program paired with low-cost automatic minirhizotrons and field campaigns to monitor photosynthesis, root exudation, and aboveground plant traits in support of the development of new precision farming tools. Field experiments will be paired with a novel rhizobox/greenhouse that permits precise environmental contol to simulate and study the effects of climate change upon crops. Above and belowground vegetation are equal components controlling crop growth, yet this is a rare opportunity to study them together. By studying the how plant shoots and roots respond to environmental conditions we will investigate how to reduce fertilizer usage and secure food production to meet the 70% increase necessary for the 2050 population while decreasing agricultural impacts on natural ecosystems.
Start Date: September 2023 (January 2024 start will be considered)
Application Deadline: All applicants should contact Dr. Proctor directly at to discuss program and start options, and possible summer work. For a fall 2023 start, applicants are encouraged to submit a complete application package by May 1st, 2023 to be eligible for the Graduate Entrance Scholarship. The final deadline to have your application and all fees submitted is July 1st, 2023, so interested candidates should contact Dr. Proctor ASAP.
Research Project: Precision Farming of the Hidden Half: Integrating Roots into Agriculture using Remote Sensing
The boundary between plant roots and soil is one of the most important as it controls the flow of nutrients into our food chain. However, there are few tools for farmers to manage plant roots despite their considerable importance in nutrient use efficiency, water uptake, and formation of stable soil carbon. New generation tools such as UAV and minirhizotrons (e.g., buried cameras) offer new possibilities to monitor root biomass and activity in order to understand how farming management practices, the environment, and climate change affect crop yields and agriculture sustainability. Using a variety of field observations and laboratory experiments directly manipulating the growth environment, students will conduct high-resolution monitoring of above and belowground crop biomass, root-borne carbon, and responses of the soil and microbial system to differing environmental conditions.
This project will develop connections between above and belowground morphological traits and physiology and determine the dynamics of root sink strength (biomass and activity) and its role in the downregulation of photosynthesis. Knowledge obtained will aid the development of precision farming practices under drought stress, and help the agricultural community make science-based management decisions.
The position involves considerable field work and will offer students the opportunity to learn about agricultural practices, deep learning for image classification, and build productive research partnerships with local farmers and private agribusiness.
How to apply
Please send the following to
Start date: Summer 2023
Paid position: 2-5 days per week, minimum wage
Duration: Summer
Duties: to assist in field data collection of agricultural crops and tandem Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) monitoring over the growing season. The student will collect biophysical and biochemical measurements of growing crops, and be involved in the processing of UAV imagery and extraction of key metrics. This project will assess the potential for UAV imagery in the long term agricultural plots at Woodslee and Harrow.
If interested, please contact: Dr. Cameron Proctor (
The student will investigate the efficacy of remote sensing to quantify the decomposition process in organic matter, specifically whether wetland vegetation stands can be used to monitor changes in the spectral evolution of plant litter. This study will utilize laboratory experiments involving various analytical techniques, and tools for temporal analysis of remote sensing imagery. Ideally, local field sites will be identified and a ground monitoring campaign initiated.
If interested, please contact: Dr. Cameron Proctor (